Yep, America, those adorable Faux Trolls continue to radiate and bloviate!
As the new red stain begins oozing all over Ted Kennedy's perenially blue senate seat, they've gotten almost as giddy as the night their Official GOP Network christened a Texas village idiot's installation in the White House a decade ago.
Bully for Senator-elect Scott Brown in following his corporate insurance masters' commands. He's ready to run to Washington to help put the coup de grace to the last hope of humane health care for tens of millions of Americans, while the medical-industrial complex CEO's continue popping their champagne corks like profit margins.
But wait, our Scotty has still more to offer. This devout Christian Reformed Churchman is mighty enthused with that thing called "enhanced interrogation" for anyone getting nabbed by bounty-hungry Middle Eastern warlords & drug traffickers.
There are numerous first-hand accounts of the victims of this "enhanced interrogation." The following passage is taken from a story in the Independent, a British newspaper:
Henri Alleg, a journalist, was tortured in 1957 by French forces in Algeria. He described the ordeal of water torture in his book "The Question." Soldiers strapped him over a plank, wrapped his head in cloth and positioned it beneath a running tap. He recalled: "The rag was soaked rapidly. Water flowed everywhere: in my mouth, in my nose, all over my face. But for a while I could still breathe in some small gulps of air.
I tried, by contracting my throat, to take in as little water as possible and to resist suffocation by keeping air in my lungs for as long as I could. But I couldn't hold on for more than a few moments.
I had the impression of drowning, and a terrible agony, that of death itself, took possession of me. In spite of myself, all the muscles of my body struggled uselessly to save me from suffocation. In spite of myself, the fingers of both my hands shook uncontrollably. 'That's it! He's going to talk,' said a voice.
The water stopped running and they took away the rag. I was able to breathe. In the gloom, I saw the lieutenants and the captain, who, with a cigarette between his lips, was hitting my stomach with his fist to make me throw out the water I had swallowed."
And beyond this is the appalling realization that too often many victims will make up anything to stop the torture. That means, of course, too often all that "high value intel" is little more than hogwash, produced by stupid, sadistic zealots.
Despite the Obama Administration's torture ban, it's still critical keeping the heat on any and all deluded policy makers who justify going medieval and inflicting a relentless wave of destruction on the world. The closest and loudest example of another torture fan is Scott Brown's fellow cover boy that THANK GOD ALMIGHTY followed the Texas village idiot out of power.
The highly malignant Dickie Cheney can now only take to the airwaves to caterwaul his evil ways, arm-in-arm in the ranks of right-wing stooges at Faux News and elsewhere.
At the same time, never, ever assume life could not return to the Dark Ages we experienced in the eight long years after America's rigged 2000 election.
Think it couldn't happen here?
Just imagine the wonderland of fresh, enlightened leadership.....
Secretary of Defense -- Ann Coulter
Secretary of State -- Rush Limbaugh.
Secretary of Education -- Pat Robertson.
U.N. Ambassador? But of course: Bill O'Reilly.
And swimming somewhere in all this nourishing soup would be none other than "Cosmo Scott" Brown. After all, he surely would be deserving of some of the spoils in the Palin/Beck Empire.
Meantime, I'll sit back and watch a cathartic "Hitler Finds Out...." episode concerning the more immediate problem of another wretched Republican stealing the thunder.
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